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SF Class is an accredit rating system used by car insurers in Germany. SF class represents the years you had no accident or made no insurance claims.

For each accident-free or no-claim year, your SF class number increases. The higher the SF class, the more discount car insurance companies offer you. Hence, your car insurance cost decreases.

If you file a claim with the insurance company, your SF class will decrease. As a result, you will get a lower discount next year on your car insurance. Hence, you pay more for car insurance.

The full form of the SF class is Schadensfreiheitsklasse. The SF-class rating ranges from SF0 to SF50, with the digit next to “SF” representing the number of accident-free or no-claim years.

You can also consider it a no-claim-bonus the insurer gives you for not filing the insurance claim

SF-Class Germany
SF class, Schadensfreiheitsklasse
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