Register with TK

TK is the largest public health insurance company in Germany based on the number of members. It’s expat friendly and offers website, mobile app, and customer service in English.

How Much Can You Save By Registering with TK?
Advantages of Registering With TK

Expat Friendly
- Access TK services digitally
- English customer support
- TK is the only public health insurance provider that offers website and mobile app in English

Best Customer Service
- 24×7 availability
- Rated best by industry experts
- 181 offices throughout Germany

Truly Digital
- Free online courses to improve your health, such as trainings, diet plans, etc.
- Free online advice on skin problems
- Consult a doctor online using TK Doc app

Bonus Programs
- Earn upto 400€ per annum in TK bonus program by getting regular health checkups
- You can use the bonus earned for services like professional teeth cleaning, gym membership, etc.
Who Can Register With TK?

- Students who are under 30 at the start of their studies (except preparatory and language course students)
- Students who are over 30 with more than 12 months of German visa
- Students with proof of public health insurance from another EU country

- Compulsorily insured in public health insurance if you earn less than 73,800€ (as of 2025).
- You can voluntarily insure yourself in public health insurance if you earn more than 73,800€ (as of 2025).

- You can voluntarily insure yourself in public health insurance

Civil Servants
- Public health insurance is not recommended for civil servants. However, you can insure yourself volunatrily in it.
This is how it works

1. Complete the form
It takes less than 3 minutes.

2. TK welcome letter
You’ll usually receive it within 14 business days.

3. Provide additional information
TK may request additional information or documents, such as photo, tax statement, etc., if applicable.

4. Get your health insurance card
You’ll get it within two to three weeks after submitting the additional information.
Register with TK
Frequently asked questions
Am I insured if I have canceled my current health insurance and not yet a member of TK?
You’ll stay insured with your current health insurer until you become the member of TK.
Health insurance is compulsory in Germany. Your current health insurer cannot cancel your health insurance plan till you are a member of a new health insurance provider. This ensures uninterrupted medical coverage.
Do I have to cancel my current health insurance myself?
No, TK will cancel your current public health insurance on your behalf. You don’t have to do anything.
You won’t receive a cancellation confirmation from your previous public health insurance company.
Suppose you were previously insured with a private health insurance. In this case, TK will send you a letter that confirms you have a valid health insurance policy. You can show this letter to your previous private health insurance company so that they can finalize the cancellation of your policy.
You can read more about how to cancel your private health insurance here.
Is there a notice period when switching to TK?
Yes, you must serve a notice period of two full calendar months when changing your public health insurance provider.
Moreover, you must stay with the new health insurer for at least 12 months before you can switch again.
In other words, you can only make the switch if you are a member of the previous health insurer for more than 12 months.
I haven’t recieved my TK health insurance card and I need to visit a doctor. What can I do in this situation?
When you start your TK membership, you can register with ‘My TK’ and can download a replacement certificate (Ersatzbescheinigung). You can show this certificate at the doctor’s clinic.
What documents do I need to register with TK?
You must fill out the form. If TK requires any additional documents, they will contact you.