Home » Banking » Close a bank account in Germany [Bankkonto kündigen]

Close a bank account in Germany [Bankkonto kündigen]

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  • Trizia Medina - Author at GermanPedia
    Trizia Medina
    Freelance Content Creator

    Trizia Medina, a Mass Communication graduate, began her writing journey as a student journalist and has been freelance writing since 2019. She loves exploring diverse styles and trends, from social media posts to science features, fueled by a passion for meaningful storytelling that connects audiences.

Key Takeaways

  • Both you and your bank have the right to close your bank account in Germany.
  • When opening a new bank account, you should consider using the “switching assistance service” (Wechselservice) from your new bank.
  • Banks may close accounts under special circumstances without a notice period.
  • You can keep your German account even after moving abroad.

This is how you do it

  • If you’re closing your bank account, you must first open a new bank. You can use your new bank’s “switching assistance service” to make the switch easier.
  • If your bank closes your account, you can object to the termination or open a new account.
  • If you’re moving outside of Germany, you may still keep your German bank account. Just notify your bank, manage fees & requirements, and set up online banking before you leave.
  • We find C24 Bank’s* free checking account to be the best in Germany. However, it offers services only in German. If English service is important for you, N26* and Revolut are other options.

Table of Contents

Can you close your bank account in Germany?

According to German law (§ 675h BGB), you can cancel or close your bank account without notice. 

However, your bank may set a notice period in its terms and conditions. The notice period must be no longer than one month; otherwise, it would be invalid.

NOTE: If you close a “checking account” at a bank, you may also have to cancel/close the credit card and any additional connected bank accounts, such as a savings or daily money account.

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GermanPedia helps 10k+ members like you to make informed decisions with confidence. Learn something new about Germany every week.

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GermanPedia helps 10k+ members like you to make informed decisions with confidence. Learn something new about Germany every week.

Process for closing the bank account in Germany

Open a new bank account before closing your current account

Before closing your bank account, you should open a new bank account.

We find C24 Bank’s* free checking account to be the best in Germany. However, it offers services only in German. If English service is important for you, N26* and Revolut are other options.

Opening a bank account in Germany is straightforward. Pick the bank you want to open an account with and apply online.

You can even conduct the whole identity verification process online. Learn more about it in our guide on how to open a bank account in Germany.

Open a free bank account with C24 (Smartkonto)

c24 logo
  • Best free bank account in Germany
  • 1.75% interest on checking account
  • 2% interest on daily account (Tagesgeldkonto)
  • 0.05% cashback on every transaction
  • 4 free ATM withdrawals worldwide

Open a free bank account with N26 (Standard)

  • Free bank account
  • 1% interest on savings account
  • 2 free ATM withdrawals in Germany
  • Free trading account

Use the “bank account switching assistance service” (Kontowechselhilfe / Wechselservice) offered by your new bank

You can use your new bank’s “switching assistance” service (Wechselservice) to move your direct debits, standing orders, etc, from your old account to the new one. It’ll save you time and effort.

Moreover, per the Payment Accounts Act, banks must offer this service to their customers.

You can request the “switching assistance” service online on your bank’s app or website. This service can help you with:

  • Handling the paperwork
  • Change deposits: Informing your payment partners (e.g., employer, tenant, etc.) about the new bank account.
  • Changing standing orders and SEPA direct debits: The switching assistance service will analyze your direct debits and standing orders and move them to the new bank account. This includes utility bill payments, rent payments, mortgage payments, insurance, etc.

NOTE: Double-check that all direct debits and standing orders have been changed to the new bank account as your new bank may miss some transactions.

  • Transferring the old bank account balance to the new bank account. You may also opt to transfer your balance on your own.
  • Canceling or closing your current bank account. You should receive the account closure confirmation from your bank. If you don’t, follow up with your bank.

Some recipients are not automatically informed of the bank account closure and new bank account details. This is especially the case with the online shops and subscriptions.

Here are some examples of online businesses where you must manually update your bank account information. 

  • Amazon, Netflix, Paypal, iTunes, etc.
  • Recipients of private direct debits (e.g., landlord)

We have also created a checklist of things you must do before closing a bank account in Germany. You can download it here.

Checklist of Entities/People You Must Inform When Closing Your Bank Account

checklist closing bank account germany
  • Download the checklist of people you must inform when closing a bank account in Germany.
  • By using the checklist, you reduce your chances of forgetting to change your bank account details at certain websites or informing someone about your new bank account.

Contact your bank for account closure

If you don’t want your new bank’s “account assistance service” to cancel your old bank account, you have the following ways to close your account.

  • By letter. Here is our sample letter for closing a bank account. Your letter should have the following information.
    • Your first and last name
    • Your full residential address
    • IBAN of the current account
    • A clear and well-written request for termination. You don’t have to state the reason for the termination.
    • The termination date (or “as soon as possible”)
    • Date, place, and your signature
  • Through online forms.  Check if your bank offers this option on their website.
  • By email. Send an email to your bank and attach the termination letter (duly signed) as a PDF.
  • By fax.
  • In person at the respective bank branch

NOTE: You should receive the account closure confirmation from your bank. If you don’t, follow up with your bank.

Sample letter to close a bank account in Germany

sample letter to close a bank account in Germany
  • Use this sample letter to close your bank account in Germany.
  • The letter is written in both German and English for your convenience.
  • The letter is in “docx” format. You can modify it to fit your needs.

Finalize the closure of your bank account

Before you close your current bank account, keep the following in mind.

  • Keep your new and current bank accounts active for at least two months. This helps avoid problems like:
    • incorrect entries
    • misdirected payments
    • missed payments and fines
  • Download all the bank and credit card statements from your current bank account and review them for potential issues. If you find any, contact your bank while you are still a customer.
  • Ensure your old bank has the details of your new bank account. This allows your old bank to transfer any remaining balance to your new account.
  • Update your contact information at your old bank. Your old bank will send a final account statement and account closure confirmation via post using the contact data stored in its system. Thus, your address and contact details must be correct.

Can your bank close your “checking account” in Germany? 

Yes, banks have the authority to close your checking account. 

Meanwhile, account closures are slightly more difficult for certain types of bank accounts:

  • Savings accounts (Sparkonto). Some federal states in Germany require banks to open a savings account for everyone.
  • Basic accounts (Basiskonto). These accounts may only be terminated for reasons stated under the German Payment Accounts Act (Zahlungskontengesetz).

Can your bank close your “checking account” at any time?

Yes, your bank may decide to close your checking account at any time. However, they must give you at least two month’s notice.

According to the German Civil Code (Section 675h, Paragraph 2), the conditions for such closure are:

  • The contract has no end date.
  • The right of termination is allowed under the contract.

Can your bank close your account without providing any reason?

Yes, banks may close your account without providing any reasons (Federal Court of Justice, ruling of January 15, 2013, case number XI ZR 22/12)

While no explanation is often given, common reasons for account closure include:

  • Inactivity of bank account
  • Using a private checking account for business purposes
  • Irregularities that may be linked to money laundering 
  • The bank does not profit enough from you as a customer

What is an extraordinary termination of the bank account?

Under certain conditions, banks reserve the right to close or terminate bank accounts without following the required notice period. This is called the extraordinary right of termination. The legal basis for this is Section 490, Paragraph 1 of the German Civil Code (BGB). 

These are some of the situations that may lead to an extraordinary termination:

  • Violating contractual obligations
  • Providing false statements about your financial situation
  • Serious deterioration of your financial situation
  • Failure to provide additional collateral
  • The bank account is used for criminal or prohibited activities 

What can you do if the bank closes your account?

Here is what you can do if the bank closes your account.

Open a new bank account and transfer your balance

After being notified of the account closure, your bank account and card may be blocked. So, open a new bank account immediately and transfer your balance to the new account. 

Everyone should have at least two bank accounts. This way, if your one account is closed or blocked, you can continue paying your bills via another account.

We find C24 Bank’s* free checking account to be the best in Germany. However, it offers services only in German. If English service is important for you, N26* and Revolut are other options.

Open a free bank account with C24 (Smartkonto)

c24 logo
  • Best free bank account in Germany
  • 1.75% interest on checking account
  • 2% interest on daily account (Tagesgeldkonto)
  • 0.05% cashback on every transaction
  • 4 free ATM withdrawals worldwide

Open a free bank account with N26 (Standard)

  • Free bank account
  • 1% interest on savings account
  • 2 free ATM withdrawals in Germany
  • Free trading account

Object the bank account termination

If you think the account closure was not done in good faith. You can object to the bank’s decision. You have the following options.

  • Contact an “insurance ombudsman.” It is advisable to contact an ombudsman when you have a savings or basic account.
  • Contact a lawyer who specializes in banking law for advice. If you have legal insurance, the insurance will cover the legal costs.
Arag insurance
  • Rated best legal insurance by the top rating agencies in Germany
  • Biggest legal insurance provider in Germany
  • Free legal consultation
  • Offers comprehensive legal coverage
  • Rated best legal insurance by the top rating agencies in Germany
  • Free legal consultation
  • Offers comprehensive legal coverage
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  • Legal insurance policy starting from €13.51 per month
  • Free legal consultation
  • English customer support
  • Insurance agent and sells Roland’s legal insurance policy

NOTE: Top rating agencies in Germany rated Arag—Aktiv-Premium, WGV—Optimal PBV, and KS / Auxilia—Jurprivat as the best legal insurance plans in Germany (as of Jan 2025).


Can you keep your German bank account when you move outside of Germany?

Yes, many major German banks allow you to keep your bank account, even when you move abroad. This can be a practical option for you if

  • You still have pending bills to pay in Germany
  • You plan to visit Germany regularly

Suppose you are planning to keep your German bank account. Here’s some tips to manage your account from a foreign country

  • Inform your bank about your move and provide your new overseas address.
  • Set up online banking or download the bank’s mobile application to manage your account remotely.
  • Maintain enough money in your bank account to meet minimum balance requirements or to cover fees.

What is the notice period for closing a bank account in Germany?

Usually, you can close a bank account in Germany without a notice period. However, some banks may impose a maximum of 1 month of notice period.

Any notice period beyond 1 month is invalid.



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